Monday, May 23, 2011

Yawn. What a strange dream I had last night about computers and light cycles. Say, wait a minute. It hasn’t ended! That means one thing. It’s time for Monday Mischief with Danny Aponte!
(Monday Mischief is a registered trademark of The DAAD Corporation, the owner of Dan-Tone Blog Reel, Garbagelogy, Potato Face Book, Mash Media Madness and Much More! Our high-priced attorneys at the law firm of Ka-ching and Ka-ching stand ready to sue with their battle cry of WE MAKE MONEY! IP infringement or bootlegging our blogs is punishable by stiff fines or, in some extreme cases, short time in a Chinese prison that will cost the offender an arm or a leg or whatever body parts are in demand on the black market menu. When in season, have a heart. If you find this tasteless, bring your complaints in person to our customer relations director Hannibal Lector who is always ready to serve you. As always, we aim to satisfy our customers with the best dishes prepared by our chefs at The International School of Satire. Please have a complimentary breath mint on your way out. Again, thank you for your patronage.)

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